Helping you turn your troubled project around.

Project Recovery
  • Distressed projects inevitably bring a high cost to any organisation as most projects operate with lean resources, and intervention from the client drains Business As Usual staff time. This can lead to an increasing climate of stress and business losses from compromised customer service and product quality.

    Mahere Limited can assist an organisation using a Five Step Assessment approach to turn around a troubled project.

  • the facts and identify key project difficulties.

  • to address the root causes. We identify the most effective path to reducing project completion risk with targeted and controlled effort.

  • Experienced Project Managers and Subject Matter Experts will monitor and control the tasks needed for completion. These will be based off the revised completion target deliverables, which Mahere produce and the Principal approves, ahead of deployment of the recovery.

  • through risk analysis and reporting. This will enable proactive corrections and give you confidence that the project is not only on-track, but that the revised programme and deliverables are being met.

  • the project with your team. Collaboration for developing lessons learned and re-validating the business case is a key element of project recovery. We will also produce customised improvement plans to help your team with future projects.

Mahere is your partner for project recovery